Crossfit Arm Workout Ideas

Regular exercise can make a significant difference in your life by allowing you to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of developing diseases.

There are different types of exercises such as endurance exercises, strength exercises, balance exercises, flexibility exercises, aerobics, and many more.

This article focuses on Crossfit arm workouts that will help you stay healthier and more active by utilizing simple and easy exercise techniques that aid you in the long run.

Crossfit arm workouts help you develop and build your upper body. These workouts are designed to challenge your arm strength, understand your physical weaknesses, and aid you in overcoming them. They will push you above and beyond your physical limits to become stronger and healthier.

Crossfit arm exercises are not just a factor in maintaining good health; the arms also play an important part in gymnastics and are a supporting function in weightlifting.

To keep your elbows healthy, the mobility and strength on both sides of the joints should be kept in balance. This means that your biceps and triceps should be mobile, flexible, and strong. Crossfit arm workouts are the best way to achieve this.

11 Crossfit Arm Workout Ideas to Stay Healthy & Active

So, here are some of the best CrossFit arm exercises that have outcomes such as increased muscle tone, muscle strength, and lean muscle mass.

It will maintain your upper body’s strength and keep you healthier by reducing your risk of injury, protecting your bones, stabilizing your joints, and improving your posture.

i). Wall Ball

This exercise requires you to hold a med ball and stand in front of a wall with your hands in front of your chest. Then you can slowly squat down with your hips below your knees.

Straighten your legs and throw the ball up to a particular spot on the wall or a target. Use the power of your lower body to lift the ball up.

Be ready to catch the ball after it bounces off the wall by extending your arms. This counts as one repetition. You can do 10-15 repetitions.

ii). Ball Slams

Place a medicine ball in front of you as you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then slowly squat down and pick up the ball without moving your spine and keeping your head up.

You can now stand up and lift the medicine ball above your head, fully extending your hands straight above you. Then, slam the ball down as hard as you can, and try catching the ball as it bounces. Perform this 5-10 times a day for stronger muscles.

iii). Overhead Shoulder Press

This exercise requires a pair of dumbbells, one of which you can hold in each hand, just above the shoulders, palms facing in.

Then straighten your arms above your head and bend the elbows to come back to the initial position to finish one rep. If you are a beginner you can perform 5 reps and then slowly increase the number later.

iv). Dumbbell Thrusters

Position your legs slightly wider than hip distance apart, with your arms at shoulder height and your elbows bent. Remember to hold the weights close to your ears.

Slowly bend your knees like you are sitting on a chair and keep the dumbbells beside your heels. Then, you can straighten your knees and come back to a standing position by pressing the dumbbells overhead.

This counts as one rep. It is suggested to perform at least 10 reps to improve muscular endurance. 

v). Overhead Squat

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width, with your toes pointed outward. Hold a dumbbell near your shoulders and lift the weights overhead, keeping your arms straight.

Then sit back in a squatting position and bend the knees to 90 degrees while straightening your elbows. You can stand slowly and complete one round by keeping the dumbbell overhead. Start the exercise with 1-3 reps and slowly work your way up. 

vi). Wall Walk

Lie down facing the ground while placing the soles of your feet in front of a wall. Place your hands on the ground, near the shoulders, and extend your arms into a push-up stance.

Place your feet on the wall and walk with your hands toward the wall while using your feet to scale up the wall. Try to touch your belly, forehead, or nose to the wall.

Finally, return to your prone position by scaling down, moving your hands forward, and lying down on your belly. It won't be easy on your first try, so walk as far and as comfortably as you can.

Practicing them every day will make you stronger and will result in you feeling more confident. Try to go a little further every day and before you know it, you will be wall-walking like a pro! 

vii). TRX or Ring Rows

Stand at a hip distance, holding a Total Body Resistance Exercise (TRX) handle, a universal-fit handle, or rings in your hands. If you don't have this equipment, you can substitute it with a sturdy table.

Move your feet forward until your body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor with your hands fully extended and your body in one straight line.

You can take this exercise to the next level by making it harder. To do that, walk your feet forward, bringing your shoulders closer to the floor. You can even try to lean your entire body almost parallelly to the floor. Then distance your shoulders away from the floor by walking back to your initial position.

Bend your elbows behind you while keeping them close to your body and bringing your chest toward your hands. Keep your core steady and your legs straight, with either your feet or heels firmly placed on the ground.

Complete one rep by straightening your hands to lower the torso. Try performing this exercise at least 3 times a week to see visible results.

viii). Banded Assisted Pull-up

Set up a pull-up bar with a large resistance band. The band should be able to provide you with assistance, or momentum, to lift yourself up.

Stand on a steady object – like a bench – and hold the pull-up bar. Wrap the band around the shoe's arch with your hand, then fully open the banded leg. 

You can pull yourself up while keeping your spine neutral and your abdominals engaged. You may lift your body up by using the band as propulsion. Retrace your steps to the starting point. Complete at least 8 reps.

ix). Triceps Push-Up

Maintain a plank position with your legs and ensure your arms are in one straight line, your shoulders parallelly above your wrists. Inhale and exhale as you bend your elbows out behind you and lower your chest to the floor.

Pause when your shoulders and elbows are straight. Take a second to ensure your arms are straight and do it all over again.

If this is too challenging, perform the exercise on the floor with your knees bent or do incline push-ups with your hands on a box. Try doing 10 to 12 reps with 30 seconds of rest in between.

x). Croc walk with Sliders

On a flat surface, place two hand towels, sliders, or paper plates. Place the hard side facing the floor. Make a plank position with your toes above the sliders.

Place your wrists on the ground directly below the shoulders and bring your back and neck to a neutral position. Walk with your hands and pull your entire body forward.

Move forward with control and maintain the plank position throughout the entire movement. Remember to keep your hips and torso steady. You can walk for 10 to 30 seconds.

If there isn’t enough room to walk your plank, you can simply perform plank-ups with sliders. Do mountain climbers if you don't have towels, sliders, or paper plates.

xi). Man Maker Burpee

With a wide stance and toes pointing out, lower yourself into a deep squat, holding free weights in your hands. Jump or walk into a plank position (You may also do a push-up if you want).

Starting in the plank position, lift your right elbow while ensuring that your glutes are engaged, your core is tight, and your torso is in a stabilized position as you exhale.

Slowly bend your elbow up toward the ceiling, moving your right scapula toward your spine. With your neck straight and energized, bring the weights to the floor and continue the same on your left side.

As you jump, move your legs back towards your hands, bring your hips toward the floor, and raise your chest. Squat, then curl the weights into your chest and stand.

With the weights in your hands, raise your arms over your head and perform an overhead press. Bring the weights back to their starting positions carefully. Complete 10 reps of this move. 


Including arm workouts in your CrossFit Exercise is simple, beneficial, and possible in a short amount of time using these easy workout ideas. Its benefits, like strong, toned arms, will give you good posture and boost your confidence. These workouts also offer key health benefits.

Stronger arms and shoulders will decrease your risk of injury and improve your posture. They also protect your bones and stabilize the joints. These benefits will definitely keep you more lively and healthy.

Thanks to these simple exercises, you don't require much today to tone and strengthen your arms. A regular arm workout with easy-to-find equipment will bring the results you're looking for.

If you're looking for a balanced fitness program, replace your arm-strengthening practices with exercises that focus on your lower body and core. It is also better to include aerobic exercises in your schedule to boost your cardiovascular health.


Q1: Why are arm exercises important?

Ans: Working out your shoulders and arms has several benefits, like increasing muscle strength and toning, etc. It also reduces the risk of injury, protects the bones, stabilizes the joints, and improves posture.

Q2: How does CrossFit exercise help you?

Ans: CrossFit is high-intensity interval training that increases your strength, and endurance, and improves body composition, such as body mass.

Q3: How to improve arm stability?

Ans: By performing some simple exercises on a regular basis, you can tone and develop your arm muscles in just a few short weeks.

Q4: Why are arm muscles important?

Ans: Your arm muscles can assist you with small, precise motions, like wiggling your fingers or fastening a button. Additionally, they let you perform big movements like pushing yourself up, extending your arms above your head, or straightening your elbow. 

Q5: Is it healthy to work out arms every day?

Ans: You can train your arms 2–6 times per week. The more frequently you train, the less you will need to do per day.

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Oliver Nelson

Oliver Nelson is a New York based Health Specialist Writer who completed his graduation from Syracuse University back in 2015. His writings were published in the top Healthcare brands in the United States.

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