Watery Discharge

The vagina does a fantastic job of cleaning itself. Sometimes it produces a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, making you uncomfortable. 

The water discharge produced by your body is normal, and it protects your vagina from various vaginal diseases. 

Besides the odd feeling, vaginal discharge usually isn’t a cause for concern. Taking preventive measures can make you feel more comfortable.

On the other hand, there might be other reasons for excessive water discharge. Now, let’s discuss below the top causes and types of watery discharge and how to prevent the same.

What does watery discharge mean?

Your vaginal glands produce some fluids that are typically milky white or clear and even have a mild odor.  Some women encounter vaginal water discharge every day, while others experience it occasionally. 

Sometimes you may notice a creamy or thick discharge, which is also expected. But it’s often watery or thin.

Besides, the amount and type of discharge may vary depending on your menstrual cycle and stage of life. Hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can significantly affect it. 

Despite the consistency of discharge, your vagina does impressive stuff.  It has three primary jobs, which include, 

  • Clean the vagina by lubricating it.
  • Fight bacteria that can potentially cause vaginal infections.
  • Protects your skin 

Types of watery discharge

Everybody is different, and so is the discharge. The watery discharge is typically thin and transparent. The consistency and color of the discharge can significantly tell a lot about your internal health. 

i). Watery or milky white discharge

Watery discharge is usually clear, but sometimes you may notice thick or milky white discharge, which is normal. Exercise, sex, or ovulation might affect the color and consistency of the discharge.

ii). Brown discharge

Brown discharge often happens when you're almost at the end of your period. During this time, your vagina washes away older blood. However, the brown discharge might also occur when ovulating or early in pregnancy. 

iii). Yellow or green discharge

If you notice yellow or greenish discharge, it signifies an infection, especially if it looks thick and clumpy, accompanied by a strange smell. 

Top 6 Possible Reasons That Causes Watery Discharge

Watery discharge is generally harmless. Sometimes it is reassuring that your body is working just fine. However, you should be aware of what are normal and abnormal signs. You can also seek a professional health expert here in the United States and then take all the precautions beforehand if necessary. 

But if you notice more excessive discharge than expected, it might be due to some of the following reasons:   

i). Ovulation

Your ovaries release an egg around the middle of your cycle. Around the same time, your body typically encounters more discharge, thus making it easier for sperm to reach the egg and fertilize. 

The discharge is transparent, white, thin, and stretchy, similar to egg whites. So if you have excessive water discharge than average but stick only for a day or two, your body might signal that you are extra fertile.

However, it might be an ovulation symptom if it is just a clear watery discharge. 

ii). Abnormal periods

Some people notice watery discharge before their periods. Again this is a normal part of your period cycle. This is how your vagina prepares for your (roughly) monthly cycle. 

At least two to three days before your period starts, discharge should look sticky, dry, or entirely absent. This is due to your progesterone levels rising to support a pregnancy, inhibiting cervical mucus secretion.                                                           

iii). If you are on birth control pills

Some birth control pills have high estrogen levels, a hormone responsible for watery discharge. You may notice stringy discharge than expected when you take hormonal birth control pills, especially when you start on new ones. 

iv). Sexual arousal 

To keep things clean down there, your vagina lubricates when you have sexual arousal. When you are turned on, the blood rushes to your vagina and produces more fluid for sexual intercourse. This is more watery than usual. 

v). Menopause

Women who are going through their menopausal journey experience less watery discharge. It is due to the low levels of estrogen. Also, during menopause, women encounter vaginal atrophy, where the walls of the vagina become thin and more fragile. 

vi). Pregnancy 

During pregnancy, it is normal for women to have more watery discharge than normal. This is because the vaginal wall and cervix soften and protect the womb, and the fluid produced by the body acts as a preventative measure to fight against infections.

Moreover, when you get closer to your due date, your discharge might become heavier, which signals that your body is getting ready for labor.

Sometimes, pregnant people mistake their watery discharge for water breaking. However, your watery discharge is clear and thin, whereas water breakage releases amniotic fluids that are pale and straw-colored. 

Does watery discharge indicate pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman will probably notice more discharge than expected. But if you plan to conceive, it doesn’t confirm your BFP (Big Fat Positive). It’s an indication that there are chances you might get pregnant.

It’s common for your discharge to be thick and dry at the end of your cycle, so if you still notice watery discharge before your period, it's a sign that you may conceive.

The position of your cervix might give you another clue, but the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. The position of your cervix is another hint, but the only way you get sure is by getting a pregnancy test. 

What to do when you have a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself?

Watery discharge is nothing to be worried about. Instead, you should look for any changes in your discharge, as it might indicate infection.

For instance, thick, white, and clumpy discharge is caused by a yeast infection, while bacterial vaginosis can lead to a grayish-white and thin discharge with an intense smell. Some Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can also cause strange discharge.

To identify these infections, watch out for any changes in the amount, color, odor, or consistency of your vaginal discharge.

However, if you are experiencing excessive watery discharge, the following tips will help you to manage your discharge better.  

Use panty liners

Panty liners are a great way to manage the watery discharge that leaks through your panty. Panty liners are the thin layer that can absorb the water discharge from your vagina. 

Change your panty

When you have excessive watery discharge, you should change your panties continuously to avoid odor and discomfort.  

Maintain and protect your vaginal health

While watery discharge is not a matter of concern, there are some steps you need to follow to prevent any abnormal discharge, which include: 

  • Avoid wearing tight pants and pantyhose for a longer time
  • Wipe yourself from front to back after a bowel moment
  • Wear cotton panties
  • Avoid hot tubs 
  • Avoid wearing panties to sleep
  • Avoid any vaginal spray or wash


Watery discharge is normal, and it is the way your vagina indicates that you have balanced pH levels. However, if you have excessive watery discharge, please consult your doctor; there is nothing to be embarrassed about. 


1. What is the problem with watery discharge?

Ans: Watery discharge generally doesn’t cause harm and indicates a healthy vagina. It suggests that the vagina is self-cleansing or can predict ovulation. If accompanied by other symptoms like itchiness or a sore vagina, it might be due to an infection or other health problems.   

2. How do you stop water-like discharge?

Ans: The following are some possible treatments and home remedies for watery discharge. 

  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Change underwear 1-2 times daily.
  • Avoid scented pads and tampons.
  • Avoid tight-fitting pantyhose
  • Avoid hot tubs and baths.
  • Wear a panty liner.
  • Avoid the use of antibiotics.

3. What medicine is suitable for watery discharge?

Ans: A fishy vaginal odor and a thin, white vaginal discharge indicate bacterial vaginosis and are treated with oral or topical antifungal agents. 

4. Does watery discharge cause pregnancy?

Ans: As the pregnancy progresses, women might observe excessive vaginal discharge and mistake it for urine. However, having a watery discharge doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Other factors can also cause watery vaginal discharge.

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Oliver Nelson

Oliver Nelson is a New York based Health Specialist Writer who completed his graduation from Syracuse University back in 2015. His writings were published in the top Healthcare brands in the United States.

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